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BBQ cauliflower wings πŸ˜‹

Hello Dear Ones πŸ€—
Have U Thanked Jesus for this day πŸ€”
Well my dear ones this is what's cooking at my house today πŸ˜‹
These are my signature oh so delicious BBQ cauliflower wings. No little chickenπŸ” harmed here for these delicious morsels.
These cauliflower wings are 100% vegetarian and if you want to make them 100% vegan you can omit the eggs and use an egg substitute of choice.πŸ˜€
1 medium to large head of cauliflower broken into small florets.
3 eggs or egg substitute for Vegan egg πŸ₯š
If you're using a large cauliflower you need to use at least 2 cups or more flour of choice.
Also 2 cups  or more of Panko bread crumbs, these can be seasoned or unseasoned your choice.
One or two cups of barbecue sauce of choice.
Now this is so easy my dear ones, all you need to do is set up a like a little assembly line. Put your flour in the first Bowl, egg or egg substitute in the second bowl and your Panko bread crumbs and the third Bowl.
Have a parchment lined cookie sheet or baking sheet, and you ready to go.
After you cut up and wash your cauliflower , make the little wings the size that you want. As you can see in my pictures they are different sizes. Now once they're cut and washed up dip the cauliflower into flour lightly coating it shake off the excess. Then place the floured , cauliflower Wings into your egg mixture, and then into the Panko bread crumbs and kind of packaging with your hand. Place them on your parchment lined cookie sheet or baking sheet, if you don't have parchment grease your pan with your favorite oil.
I cooked mine at 450 degrees in a convection oven for about 15 to 20 minutes but watch so they don't burn or until their fork tender but not mushy. πŸ˜„
When your wings are cooked let them cool down at room temperature, I usually make mine a day ahead s I put them in the fridge when they cool down but you don't have to.  once they cool down put them in a container and cover  them with your favorite barbecue sauce.πŸ˜‹
Place  Back in the oven under the broiler for about 3 or 4 minutes until the barbecue sauce has caramelized over your wings. That's it my dears πŸ€—
God bless enjoy if you make these wings show me a picture tell me how you liked it or you didn't like it I love to see all the feedback thank you so much God bless hugs and love to all 😍


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