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Showing posts from October, 2011

Under Grace not Under Law ???????

Under Grace not Under Law I'm under grace now, I'm no longer under the law , so I don't need to keep God's law, the ten commandment s. Th is is the most popular phrase I keep hearing with regards to the law of God, and keeping the Bible ten commandment s. But what is the truth about being under grace and not under the law? Those professing Chr is tians who claim that we no longer need to keep the law of God, ie, the ten commandment s, often quote certain verses from the apostle Paul. One of the most popular verses being in Romans 6:14 ..... 'For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace .' ..... The problem is that the majority of Chr is tians stop right the re and ignore the very next verse which says ..... 'What the n? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.' ..... Paul could not be any clearer. Does being under grace give us a licence to carry on i...

The 4th Commandment

The 4th Commandment IF THERE IS ONLY ONE THING YOU READ ON THIS PAGE, MAKE SURE IT'S THE LAST SECTION ENTITLED "WHY THE 4TH COMMANDMENT CANNOT BE CHANGED" . The 4th commandment is the one commandment out of the ten commandments of God that has the most controversy surrounding it. Now there are three groups of Christians. Those who believe that all of the ten commandments have been abolished by Jesus. Those who believe that Jesus only abolished or changed the 4th commandment concerning the sabbath day. And those, like us, who believe that all of the ten commandments still stand and are binding upon every man and woman, including the 4th commandment. We've already dealt with the belief used by the group of Christians that say Jesus abolished the ten commandments, and shown the Bible truth in Did Jesus Abolish the Law and Under Grace not Law? . So on this page we are going to deal with the belief by the group of Christians that say nine of the ten commandments still s...


  THE TRUE FACE OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC INQUISITION -- ROTTEN SPIRITUAL FRUIT FROM THE ABYSS OF HELL Subtitle: In The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!! NEWS1675 , we revealed that one of the psychological devices priests used to get their female penitents to have sex with them was the threat to lie to the "Holy" Inquisition , so the woman would be torturously murdered. Since history books have been largely rewritten, few people know specific details of this murderous campaign that lasted over 1,200 years, killing 75 million people. But, once you understand the unprecedented horrors of the Inquisition , you will never look at Roman Catholicism the same way again. Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones! Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again. YOU ARE NOW ...