SANTA BE GONE ! Will The Christmas Lie Ever End? COMMERCIAL COMPLAINTS Every year, Christians scream and complain about how commercial Christmas has become, how Toys and gifts replace JESUS as the "reason for the season." Well guess what? Christians only have themselves to blame. 1933 Coca Cola... introduced the "Magic of Santa Claus" to America. Surprisingly, The Churches, accepted it hook, line and Rudolf! Baptist, Pentecostal, Assemblies of God, Lutheran, and Catholic Churches welcomed the Christmas Lie of Santa Claus with open arms and cheerful smiles, and without a thought as to The Gateway to Hell they had opened wide. THE FATHER OF LIES Christians often mention and even joke That SANTA scrambled is SATAN. I believe that SATAN is the one who is laughing the loudest as he uses Churches and Christian Parents to turn Christmas, into his biggest Lie Ever Told, "SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN!" GOD LIKE QUALITIES First, Sant...