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Every year, Christians scream and complain about how commercial Christmas has become, how Toys and gifts replace JESUS as the "reason for the season." Well guess what? Christians only have themselves to blame.
1933 Coca Cola... introduced the "Magic of Santa Claus" to America. Surprisingly, The Churches, accepted it hook, line and Rudolf! Baptist, Pentecostal, Assemblies of God, Lutheran, and Catholic Churches welcomed the Christmas Lie of Santa Claus with open arms and cheerful smiles, and without a thought as to The Gateway to Hell they had opened wide. THE FATHER OF LIES Christians often mention and even joke
SANTA scrambled is SATAN.
I believe that SATAN is the one who is laughing the loudest as he uses Churches and Christian Parents to turn Christmas, into his biggest Lie Ever Told, "SANTA CLAUS IS
GOD LIKE QUALITIES First, Santa is assigned the Divine quality of Omniscience, "of Knowing all things, "knowing what children have been naughty or nice.". Then Santa rewards children according to their deeds, just like JESUS does.... hmmmmm. COMES ON CHRISTMAS Next Santa comes on Christmas Eve, (Dec 24) The very same night when Christians all around the world believe The Saviour was born in a manger even that's a LIE !!!! NO place in the bible say's Jesus was born December 25 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LIES UPON LIES UPON LIES Next, parents are forced to tell more and more and more lies about Santa as their Children grow older and begin to question Santa, such as "why are people buying so many toys? How can Santa come to our house, we dont have a fireplace? SHATTERED FAITH Then one dark day, Children realize that Santa Claus and his magic sled was all just a big fat lie! The very first thing that children ever believed in and hoped in was A LIE!

Again, to make things worse, this lie was told, encouraged, re told, defended and retold by their own parents and grandparents.

Last but not least, the Lie of Santa Claus happens on Christmas Day and is forever linked with and to The Birth of Christ ,which is a Big Fat Lie ... Once again NO Place in the Bible say's Jesus was born December 25 ............
GUESS WHAT? THEY DON'T! The level of psychological and spiritual damage done to children by lying to them about Santa Claus is unknown?

Maybe the reason that so many Christians cower and back down when they should stand for JESUS is because, deep down, they are afraid their Faith in Jesus Christ is false, a lie, just as their Faith in Santa was shattered as children?
JUST A FUN GAME??? Is it a Sin to teach children that Santa Claus is real and brings toys to good girls and boys?

Let's allow JESUS to answer this question for us.
"And all manner of liars shall
Not enter the Kingdom of God."

"And all who love and maketh a lie
shall not dwell in The Holy City
of New Jerusalem, of Heaven. (Rev:22:14).
IIf Santa is a Lie, then you are sinning against God and your children when you tell them that "Santa Is Real and brings toys to good girls and boys."

Lying to your Children about Santa is a work of Satan and will keep you out of heaven, unless you repent and practice truth.
Why haven't the great "Men** *PUPPETS IN THE PULPITS

Will Churches renounce Santa ????? Dont bet on it! Pastors fear if they renounce The Lie of Santa, many people will become enraged and leave the Church, taking their donations with them.

These cowardly shepherds then fear the phone will ring and their denominational leaders will fire and replace them with a Santa- loving Pastor.
This year as Christians, you can renounce the lie of Santa Claus. You can STOP this Lie in your own household, under your own roof.
The Lie of Santa overshadowing all that we say and do.


  1. Amazing & Truthful Article. Susan!! I thank GOD for you!


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