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Is just saying 'I love you' enough?

Is just saying 'I love you' enough?


Saying I love you is vital but it is not enough, you should know how to do something on it and let the object of your affection sense it. Saying I love you can fire the romance in your relationship. Showing your loved one , that you are crazily in love with him or her is important to a healthy relationship. He or she needs and wants to know how special they are to you. You need to find thoughtful and creative ways to express your feelings. Commend him or her any way you can. Any time they do amazing things for you, let them recognize how much you appreciate it. Even if it is just a small thing. People love to feel needed and wanted, so let him or her know how much YOU need them.


Speak candidly and honestly with your partner, about whatever issues you are having, related to your relationship or not. If something is bothering you, make things out and get it out. Keeping things inside only breeds bitterness and creates borders between you and the person you’ve chosen. Don’t disregard small talk, which tends to be lost somewhere. It’s a great way to make sure optimistic communication, to connect in a pleasant way. No matter what you are talking about, keep in mind how you are talking about it.

There are a lot of ways of telling the object of your affection how loved him or her, a whisper when they are a asleep, through a radio request, writing it in bathroom mirror after using it. I am sure you or your partner cannot get enough of hearing and feeling respected and adored, so never stop doing it !!! If you want to tell your partner and let him or her know how much you love them don’t just say it, act with it.

Hope & pray you were blessed  *


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