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Ask Susan >> Something to ponder >> Stay or GO ??? this is the question ???

Hello Folks ;
I get asked a lot of relationship-themed questions that are given me , and one of them is from women wanting to know how long to wait for the ring. These aren’t women who have been dating for two months, but rather women who are in long-term relationships. They have seemingly great mates who have jobs and call their moms and open doors to restaurants- but haven’t yet popped the question or willing to move on to the next step . The relationship is traveling into their 2nd year. and nothing is wrong , except these girls would like to take the relationship to the next level and their men have yet done anything make it move AHEAD !!!!. Are these guys patient or just stringing them along? How long should they wait?

STAY OR GO ????????????????

That’s it. Two options. Nothing else.

By staying in a relationship that’s* Not Meeting Your Needs *, you become an enabler who allows your commitment phobic boyfriend to take advantage of you. And by threatening to walk and not walking, you establish yourself as a powerless victim and a doormat. That’s where you’ve been for 2 years and that’s where you’ll be in seven years unless you do something differently. ‘Cause clearly, he’s in no rush to change….
So My Dear One's , in the end DOES TIME REALLY TELL ALL ????


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