In Hebrews 13.1, the church is given this command: "Let brotherly love continue."
Persecuted church: Stop removing 'Son of God' from Bibles |
"A new Bible translation that alters references to God as "Father" and Jesus as "Son of God" is "unacceptable and unusable," charge representatives of the Alliance of Protestant Churches in Turkey. ...One example can be seen in an Arabic version of the Gospel of Matthew produced and promoted by Frontiers and SIL. It changes Matthew 28:19 from "baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" to "cleanse them by water in the name of Allah, his Messiah and his Holy Spirit." --Now do you see why the SDA church along with other Roman Catholic controlled churches proclaim Allah is the Christian God? It's a global agenda of Rome. After all, Rome not only created the religion of Islam, they also teach Islam in Catholic schools now! So, if your church is controlled by Rome, as are all in the "One World Church" or "World Council of Churches" as some call it, your leaders must also tow the line. Hence, most so called Christian pastors are teaching "Chrislam" in their churches and the SDA pastors actually proclaim the God of the Muslim is the God of the Christian on camera no less! |
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