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Photo Courtesy of Alive One

Eating raw fruit and vegetables for a few days or weeks is an efficient way to cleanse your digestive system and wean yourself off of processed, unhealthy fare. Eating ‘raw’ generally means consuming fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, sprouts and sprouted beans and grains that are not heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. You can prepare raw food by soaking, blending, dehydrating, pickling and juicing a wide variety of organic, healthful ingredients.

While there is limited scientific evidence to suggest that a 100 percent raw diet has more health benefits than a diet involving cooked food, there are still some undeniable advantages that come with eating raw food. Here are some of them:
It’s clean and simple. No pans, pots, baking tins or oven required. All you really need is a knife, a cutting board and maybe a blender to prepare some delicious raw meals. There’s no cooking time, less prep work and minimal clean-up when you’re eating raw.
It’s a whole new realm of flavor. Fruit and vegetables offer different flavors when they are uncooked, some of them being much stronger. Have some fun experimenting with the new tastes you’ll experience when you eat raw. And you probably won’t need to use as many seasonings or dressings that may be high in sodium or additives.
It will help you appreciate whole foods in their natural form. You’ll be surprised how quickly processed foods such as chips, veggie burgers, breads and pastas lose their appeal when your body begins to appreciate the nutrients you’re feeding it.
It’s creative. You may think a raw diet sounds too limiting but when you start experimenting, you’ll discover a whole new range of flavor, tastes and textures that raw food offers. We’ll feature a great recipe this afternoon!
It’s energizing. People who eat a raw food diet consistently remark on how energized and healthy they feel. They are amazed with the mental and emotional clarity and physical energy that comes from eating a diet high in nutrients and antioxidants and low in sodium. Although not scientifically proven, many people are excited to share stories of how a eating raw diet helped boost their energy levels.


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