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Does Absence Make The Heart Grow Fonder? or Wander ?????

Does Absence Make The Heart Grow Fonder? or Wander ?????


Everyone says absence makes the heart grow fonder. But everyone that says that is just another human being looking for a new way to make money or make you feel better, so they come up with good quotes that make people cry, and smile, and laugh; when really what they write means absolutely nothing to them and they feel not the least bit of emotions for what they are writing about.

See, in reality absence doesn’t make the heart grow fonder, absence makes the heart lonely; and sad. Sure you wont ever forget a smile, or the things he or she told you befor he or she left, or that he or she held your hand when you needed him or her to.

But what about the sound of his or her voice? Or the feeling you got when he or she was wrapped up in your arms, Sure you remember that nothing in the world made you feel the way he or she could, but can you actually remember that feeling? You wake up everyday feeling like the only enemy you have in the world is the day itself.

Everyday is potentially another day closer to him or her, and yet everyday is also another day without him or her. Only X more days of this torture until he or she MAYBE comes back, when really only X more days until nothing. And then you think, why am I even doing this? What am I waiting for? For him or her to tell me he or she loves me but we cant be together? For another goodbye? For another set of lonely months when the only way I can sleep is to pretend like Im happy with the way things are?

And then after that, you get angry with that person because they’re gone and they left you. You hate the world for taking him or her away, and you hate him or her for letting the world take him or her away. And so you get angry with yourself for feeling like you did and hating them. You hate yourself for hating him or her.You cant remember what his or her voice sounds like or what he or she smells like, or the feeling you got when he or she said, "I love you."

So I gues the next quest is :
*** Absence Makes the Heart Go Fonder, or Wander? ***

Being in a long distance relationship with someone is not easy. Love and trust maybe there but happiness is incomplete because your loved one is not by your side.

Today, it seems easier to connect with a beloved because of the advent of technology. Communication before was difficult and longer because only snail mails and telegrams are available. It is no longer the case now because one can be with a loved one through video chats and web cams; conversation is possible though you cannot be with each other together.

It is entirely different being with a loved one in person. You feel the touch. You feel the embrace. You feel the warmth of the body. You actually listen and is listened to. You are complete. And it is with this longing that men and women become weak. Failure to stay with the relationship happens because of that desire to fill that empty space.

Practicality-wise, it would be better to grant freedom to a loved one before parting or before one of the partners leaves to a far destination. As said, it is easier to travel with less baggage. But this is almost always impossible especially when one is so attached to a loved one. And what if the loved one leaving is a husband or a wife? That would make it more difficult and granting freedom .

It is very normal to crave for love. But it happens that when love is scarce, the relationship goes hungry and weak. With a weak relationship, problems arise. A partner may seek love from another. A partner may fall into TEMPTATION or try to fill the need for love with a temporary relationship that could get deeper depending on the situation.

*** It may be true to some that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but what if it makes the heart wander? ***
God Bless ......



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