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May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ....

Galatians 6:14  " May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,through which the world has been crucified to Me,and I to the world . " ~ Proud,vain,and carnal hearts,are contend with just so much religion as will help to keep up a fair show . But the apostle professes his own faith,hope,and joy ; and that his principal glory was in the cross of Christ . By which is here meant,His sufferings and death on the cross ,the doctrine of salvation by by a crucified Redeemer . By Christ,or by the cross of Christ,the world is crucified to the believer,and he to the world . The more we consider the sufferings of the Redeemer from the world,the less likely shall we be to love the world . The apostle was as little affected by its claims,as a beholder would be anything which had been graceful in the face of a crucified person,when he beholds it blackened in the agonies of death . He was no more affected by the objects around Him,than one who is expiring would be struck with any of the prospects His dying eyes might view from the cross on which He hung . And as to those who have truly believed in Christ Jesus,all things are counted as utterly worthless compared with Him .

Galatians 6:14 PART TWO ~ There is a new creation ; old things are passed awa...y , and new views and dispositions are brought in under the regenerating influences of God the Holy Spirit . Believers are brought into a new world,and being created by Christ Jesus unto good works,are formed to a life of holiness . It is a change of mind and heart whereby we are enabled to believe in the Lord Jesus,and to live to God ; and where this inward,practical religion is wanting,outward professions,or names,will never stand in any stead . We are to testify the power of Christs death working in us,after the manner of His crucifixion . Christ's atoning death on the cross is a manifest of His merciful grace and glory . Let us glorify the Savior,the eternal Son of God who was given all dominion and authority on this earth and in heaven ; there is no higher honor than to be saved by the Son of God . Christ was not seeking for an object of temporary value,when He came to earth,the object of real magnitude in this world ; it is the soul which the eternal Son of God had to die for and redeem for eternal communion with our beloved Father and Creator .


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